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Bail Bondsman and Powerball Winner Donates Mobile Forensic Unit

Randy Smith Bail BondsmanRandy Smith, Bail bondsman and $79 million Powerball winner, purchased a state-of-the-art mobile forensic unit for the West Virginia State Police.

Smith, a former Berkeley County sheriff and deputy, gives back to the community through his donation of the crime scene/command vehicle.

Smith stated “As a deputy and then sheriff, we always had a need for equipment that we never had because the funds just weren’t available. So I called up the different agencies – state, city and county police – to ask them what they would want. … This is what the State Police came up with here locally, and they couldn’t have made a better choice.”

The $150,000 technologically advanced vehicle which arrived last month and has already been used at a local murder scene. Some features include investigative tools and evidence collection systems, providing methods for law enforcement to lift fingerprints or serial numbers on items that may have been ground off.

Smith also founded the W. Randy Smith Family Fund with a $5.9 million gift to the Eastern West Virginia Community Foundation.

Foundation Executive Director Amy Owen said “To work with Randy is truly inspiring because he sees this as his job now – finding good ways to help the community. While he can’t do everything, Randy is busy finding ways like this to really make a big difference for the whole population.”

Troop Commander Capt. R.A. Blair agrees that this will make a huge difference both law enforcement and citizens will benefit from the unit’s capabilities.
More Information: The Journal

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